2018의 게시물 표시

[부동산학개론 문제] 복합개념의 부동산, 토지의 용어와 분류, 토지의 특성과 파생현상

01. 일반적으로 부동산의 개념은 물리적, 경제적, 법․제도적 개념으로 나눌 수 있다. 부동산의 경제적 개념과 거리가 먼 것은? ① 생산요소 ② 자산 ③ 자본 ④ 환경 ⑤ 소비재 02 부동산학에 관한 설명 중 틀린 것은? ① 부동산학은 토지 및 그 정착물에 관하여, 그것과 관련된 직업적, 물적, 법적,금융적 제 측면을 연구하는 학문이다. ② 부동산학은 여러 분야의 학문과 연계되어 있는 종합학문적 성격을 지닌다. ③ 부동산학은 복잡한 현대의 부동산문제를 해결하기 위하여 등장하였다. ④ 부동산학은 토지와 건물을 연구한다는 점에서 우주와 지구의 기본원리를 탐구하는 물리학이나 지구과학과 같은 순수과학이라고 할 수 있다. ⑤ 부동산학은 인간과 부동산의 관계를 개선하기 위한 학문이다. 03 부동산의 개념에 관한 설명으로 틀린 것은 ? ① 경제적 개념의 부동산은 자본, 자산으로서의 특성을 지닌다. ② 좁은 의미(협의)의 부동산은 토지 및 그 정착물을 말한다. ③ 준부동산(의제부동산)은 등기 또는 등록이 필요하며, 넓은 의미의 부동산 에 포함된다. ④ 부동산의 물리적개념은 유형적측면의 부동산을 이해하는데 도움이 된다. ⑤ 토지는 생산재이지만 소비재는 아니다. 04 부동산학에 관한 설명으로 틀린 것은? ① 부동산학은 순수과학과 응용과학 중 응용과학에 속한다. ② 부동산학의 연구대상은 부동산 활동 및 부동산 현상을 포함한다. ③ 부동산학은 부동산활동의 능률화의 원리와 실무기술을 연구한다. ④ 부동산학은 다양한 학문과 연계되어 있어서 종합학문적 성격을 지닌다. ⑤ 안전성의 원칙은 소유활동에 있어서 최유효이용을 지도원리로 삼고 있다. 05 부동산의 개념에 관한 설명으로 틀린 것은? ① 복합개념의 부동산이란 부동산을 법률적․경제적․기술적 측면 등이 복합된 개념으로 이해하는 것을 말한다. ② 민법상 부동산은 토지 및 그 정착물을 말한다. ③ 기술적 개념의 부동산은

[부동산학개론 문제] 토지의 용어와 분류 - 후보지, 이행지, 필지, 획지, 나지, 건부지, 공지, 맹지, 대지, 택지, 부지, 법지, 빈지, 포락지, 선하지, 한계지, 휴한지

후보지, 이행지, 필지, 획지, 나지, 건부지, 공지, 맹지, 대지, 택지, 부지, 법지, 빈지, 포락지, 선하지, 한계지, 휴한지 (01) 지상에 정착물이 없고 사법상 제한도 없는 토지 ( ) (02) 도로부지, 하천부지, 철도부지를 포함하는 바닥토지 ( ) (03) 가격수준이 비슷한 일단의 토지 ( ) (04) 이미 건물이 지어져 있는 토지 ( ) (05) 건페율 40%인 토지의 경우 남은 60%의 토지 ( ) (06) 하나의 지번을 가진 토지등기의 단위 ( ) (07) 소유권은 인정되지만 활용실익이 적은 토지 ( ) (08) 공도에 접하는 면이 없는 토지 ( ) (09) 용도지역 상호간에 전환되고 있는 과정의 토지 ( ) (10) 지력회복을 위해 정상적으로 쉬는 토지 ( ) (11) 침식으로 인해 하천으로 변한 토지 ( ) (12) 지적법상 지목이 대인 토지 ( ) (13) 주거, 상업, 공업용 건축이 가능한 도시토지 ( ) (14) 해변토지(바닷가) ( ) (15) 고압선 아래의 토지 (선하감가 발생) ( ) (16) 택지이용의 가장 원방권의 토지 ( ) (17) 주거지에서 상업지로 용도가 바뀌는 토지 ( ) --------------------- 정답 (01) 지상에 정착물이 없고 사법상 제한도 없는 토지 (나지,갱지) (02) 도로부지, 하천부지, 철도부지를 포함하는 바닥토지 (부지) (03) 가격수준이 비슷한 일단의 토지 (획지) (04) 이미 건물이 지어져 있는 토지 (건부지) (05) 건페율 40%인 토지의 경우 남은 60%의 토지 (공지) (06) 하나의 지번을 가진 토지등기의 단위 (필지) (07) 소유권은 인정되지만 활용실익이 적은 토지 (법지) (08) 공도에 접하는 면이 없는 토지 (맹지) (09) 용도지역 상호간에 전환되고 있는 과정의 토지 (후보지) (10) 지력회복을 위해 정상적으로 쉬는 토지 (휴한지)

[부동산학개론 문제] 토지의 특성과 파생현상 - 부동성(동), 부증성(증), 영속성(영), 개별성(개), 용도의 다양성(용), (병), (사)

토지의 특성과 파생현상  부동성(동), 부증성(증), (영), (개), (용), (병), (사)를 넣으시오 국지적( ), 가치와 가격 구분( ), 거래비용( ), 수요자경쟁( ), 감가불가( ), 관리( ), 대체불가( ), 공급자독점( ), 매립·간척( ), 분할·합병( ), 생산비( ), 재생산( ) 소득이득·자본이득( ), 비교( ), 외부효과( ), 용도적공급( ), 임대차( ), 임장활동( ), 일물일가( ), 소모( ), 재고시장( ), 집약적이용( ), 장기·장래( ), 정보활동( ), 정보비용( ), 지대·지가( ), 지역분석( ), 지방세( ), 직접환원( ), 지역시장( ), 최유효이용( ), 토지부족( ) --------------- 정답  국지적(동), 가치와 가격 구분(영), 거래비용(개), 수요자경쟁(증), 감가불가(영), 관리(영), 대체불가(개), 공급자독점(증), 매립·간척(용), 분할·합병(병), 생산비(증), 재생산(영) 소득이득·자본이득(영), 비교(개), 외부효과(동), 용도적공급(용), 임대차(영), 임장활동(부), 일물일가(개), 소모(영), 재고시장(영), 집약적이용(증), 장기·장래(영), 정보활동(동), 정보비용(개), 지대·지가(증), 지역분석(동), 지방세(동), 직접환원(영), 지역시장(동), 최유효이용(용,증), 토지부족(증) -------- 외우기  국지적(부동성), 외부효과(동), 정보활동(동), 지역분석(동), 지방세(동),지역시장(동),  수요자경쟁(부증성), 공급자독점(증), 생산비(증), 집약적이용(증), 지대·지가(증), 최유효이용(용,증), 토지부족(증) 가치와 가격 구분(영속성), 감가불가(영), 관리(영), 재생산(영), 소득이득·자본이득(영), 소모(영), 장기·장래(영), 임대차(영), 재고시장(영), 직접환원(영),  거래비용(개별성), 대체불가(개), 비교(개),

[부동산학개론 문제] 복합개념의 부동산-법률적(법), 기술적(기), 경제적(경)

복합개념의 부동산 법률적(법), 기술적(기), 경제적(경) 중 하나를 넣으시오! 유형적( ), 협의와 광의( ), 소비재( ), 환경( ), 물리적( ) 위치( ), 자산( ), 의제부동산( ), 공간( ), 생산요소( ) 자연( ), 등기·등록( ), 자본( ), 민법상 부동산( ) 생산재( ), 공학적( ), 상품( ), 측량( ), 입목( ) -------------------------- 정답은....  유형적(기), 협의와 광의(법), 소비재(경), 환경(기), 물리적(기) 위치(기), 자산(경), 의제부동산(법), 공간(기), 생산요소(경) 자연(기), 등기·등록(법), 자본(경), 민법상 부동산(법) 생산재(경), 공학적(기), 상품(경), 측량(기), 입목(법) 외우기... 협의와 광의(법), 의제부동산(법), 입목(법), 등기·등록(법), 민법상 부동산(법) 환경(기), 유형적(기), 물리적(기), 위치(기), 공간(기), 자연(기), 측량(기), 공학적(기),  자본(경), 생산요소(경), 자산(경), 생산재(경), 상품(경), 소비재(경), 

네이버 검색 조작.. 그에 대한 실망... 곧 폐쇄, 이전 예정...

네이버 블로그, 포스트를 떠날 예정이다.  네이버가 검색 조작이 없다고 했지만,  일반 블로거들이 쓰는 블로그, 포스터의 내용도 나름 선별하는 걸로 판명되었다.  어제부터 이상하더니 평소 2만명 이상 들어오던 포스트의 사용자가 오늘은 1천명 정도. 내용이 달라진 거 없는데 검색에서 안 보인다.  저품질 블로그, 포스트 등에 대한 제제가 있다고 하는 것도 사실 검색에서 사용자들이 보는 걸 네이버가 제재 하고 있다는 결과다. 과거 잘보던 것들까지 다 막혀버린 것 같다.  요즘 포스트는 공식화 된 것들만 잘해준다고 들었는데, 그럼 결국 사용자보다 기업들이나 단체들이 쓴 홍보 기사만 올린다는 얘기다. -.-;;; 이게 무슨...  이제 네이버 블로그와 포스트를 없애거나 사용 안할 예정이다.  지금 막 네이버 블로그와 포스트를 쓰는 분들에게도 참고하라고 올리는 글이다.  사용자들이 만들어낸 컨텐츠도 결국은 네이버 입맞에 맞에 선정되서 뽑히는 것으로 보인다. 실망이다. 대 실망...  2014년부터 열심히 쓰던 포스트가 하루아침에 검색이 안되는 상황은 이해가 안된다. 이미 백만뷰를 유지하면서 쓰던 건데.. -.-;  1주일 검색 확인해서 지켜보고 안되면 정리해야겠다.  구글이나 다음 티스토리 로 데이타 이전 준비 중이다. 네이버 이렇게 검색 조작하면 안된다. 너무 눈에 보인다.  거짓말이 아니라는 거 참고하시라 오늘의 포스트 조회수 올린다. 1만팔로워인 포스트가 하루아침에 무너진 것 같다.  4년간에 공들인 포스트가 너무 아깝다. 

토지 용어와 분류 - 후보지, 이행지, 필지, 획지, 나지, 건부지, 공지, 맹지, 대지, 택지, 부지, 법지, 빈지, 포락지, 선하지, 한계지, 휴한지

지상에 정착물이 없고 사법상 제한도 없는 토지 - 나지, 갱지 도로부지, 하천부지, 철도부지를 포함하는 바닥토지 - 부지 가격수준이 비슷한 일단의 토지 - 획지 이미 건물이 지어져 있는 토지 - 건부지 건페율 40%인 토지의 경우 남은 60%의 토지 - 공지 하나의 지번을 가진 토지등기의 단위 - 필지 소유권은 인정되지만 활용실익이 적은 토지 -법지 공도에 접하는 면이 없는 토지 - 맹지 용도지역 상호간에 전환되고 있는 과정의 토지 - 후보지 지력회복을 위해 정상적으로 쉬는 토지 - 휴한지 침식으로 인해 하천으로 변한 토지 - 포락지 지적법상 지목이 대인 토지 - 대지 주거, 상업, 공업용 건축이 가능한 도시토지 - 택지 해변토지, 바닷가 - 빈지 고압선 아래의 토지 선하감가 발생 - 선하지 택지이용의 가장 원방권의 토지 - 택지한계지 주거지에서 상업지로 용도가 바귀는 토지 -이행지

복합개념의 부동산 - 법률적, 기술적, 경제적!

복합개념의 부동산에 대한 연습! 유형적-기술적 현의와 광의 - 법률적 소비재 - 경제적 환경 - 기술적 물리적 - 기술적 위치 - 기술적 자산 - 경제적 의제부동산 - 법률적 공간 -기술적 생산요소 - 경제적 자연 - 기술적  등기/등록 - 법률적 자본 - 경제적 민법상 부동산 - 법률적 생산재 - 경제적 공학적 - 기술적 상품 - 경제적 측량 - 기술적 입목 -법률적

영화리뷰 리스트

‘라스베가스에서만 생길 수 있는 일` 진정한 나를 찾아서. 2015.04.14.빼기 ‘웨딩크래셔` 길을 찾지 못하고 헤매고 있습니다 2015.04.08.빼기 ‘007 언리미티드’ 제임스 본드 본드 걸과 함께 하는 국제적인 장소들 2018.04.14.빼기 ‘경주’, 지루하기 짝이 없는 것이 우리 일상인 것을... 2014.09.05.빼기 ‘고스트버스터즈’ 리뷰 후기, "유령의 존재를 함께 믿어준 친구 덕분이지!" 2016.09.01.빼기 ‘관능의 법칙’ 이제서야 이해가 된다면 나이든건가? 2014.12.12.빼기 ‘국가대표 2’ 리뷰, 환경-지원이 아니라, 승패에 울분을 토할 수 있는 날이 오길 2016.08.22.빼기 ‘내부자들: 디 오리지널’ 리뷰, 믿을 수 있는 말과 믿을 수 없는 말의 기준은? 2016.09.19.빼기 ‘내부자들: 디 오리지널’, ‘무괴아심(無愧我心)’ 자신을 향한 말과 남을 향한 말 2016.09.19.빼기 ‘달콤, 살벌한 연인’ 여자의 과거, 용서가 안돼? 2015.05.12.빼기 ‘루시’ 뇌를 100% 활용하게 되면? 2014.11.17.빼기 ‘밀리언 달러 베이비’ 펀치를 날리려면 조금만 물러서라 2014.09.29.빼기 ‘베스트 엑조틱 메리골드 호텔’ 지금은 미래의 과거다! 2014.10.24.빼기 ‘뷰티 인사이드’, 매일 다른 애인이면 하루가 짧을까? 2015.08.19.빼기 ‘비긴 어게인’ “다시 시작해, 너를 빛나게 할 노래를!” 2015.10.06.빼기 ‘비커밍 제인’ 꿈으로 견딜 수 있던 이뤄질 수 없는 사랑 2014.09.12.빼기 ‘비틀스’ 리뷰, 음악을 사랑하는 마음으로 함께 이겨낼 수 있던 찬란했던 순간들 2016.10.25.빼기 ‘빅히어로(Big Hero 6)’ 미래를 바꾸고 싶다 2015.02.25.빼기 ‘빅히어로’ 저는 항상 당신과 함께 있습니다 2015.02.25.빼기 ‘사랑을 놓치다’OST, 김연우의 '사랑한다는 흔한 말' 2015.03.30

베트남 다낭 여행, 후에 '카이딘 황제릉'을 가다! 사치스런 왕으로 왕조의 최후를 맞이한 왕....

http://mysplendidlifestyle.blogspot.com/2018/06/blog-post.html 친구들과 갔던 다낭 여행에서, 택시를 대여해서 후에까지 갔다. 그날 본 카이딘 황제릉. 베트남 다낭 남쪽으로 내려가서 있는 후에(Hue)에 있는 카이딘 황제릉(KHAI DINH TOMB)은 카이딘 황제가 묻혀있는 무덤이 있는 곳으로 친 프랑스 정책을 펼치며 정사에는 관심이 없고, 사치스러운 생활을 즐겼던 카이딘 황제의 삶을 볼 수 있는 곳이다. 유럽에서 수입된 콘크리트와 목재를 사용해 만든 카이딘 황제릉은 화려한 프랑스식으로 꾸며져 동양의 그 어떤 능과도 확연하게 구별되는 이색적인 모습을 보인다. 이 왕릉은 외벽은 물론이고 기둥과 난간에까지 조각들이 새겨져 있어 섬세함과 화려함을 자랑한다. 1916년에 즉위한 카이딘 황제는 1925년까지 응우옌 왕국을 다스리다가, 그해 폐결핵으로 사망했는데, 죽을 무렵에는 심한 아편중독자였다고 전해진다. 카이딘 황제는 자신의 재위 중인 1920년부터 자신의 능을 건설하기 시작했고, 그가 죽은 후 그의 아들이며 응우옌 왕조의 마지막 왕인 바오다이(Bao Dai)가 1931년에 카이딘 황제의 능을 완성한다. 아버지인 카이딘 황제의 업적을 기려서 바오다이 왕이 직접 글을 썼다고 하는 비석도 볼 수 있다. 반면, 응우옌 왕조의 마지막 왕이었던 바오다이 왕은 변변한 무덤조차 남기지 못했다고 한다. 대저택 스타일의 계단을 올라 입구에 올라서면 무관, 문관, 코끼리 등의 석상이 세워져 있다. 또한 비전의 좌우로 높게 서 있는 2개의 기둥은 응우옌 왕조의 권위와 위엄을 보여주고자 했던 의도를 느낄 수 있다. 비전 뒤쪽으로 올라가면 카이딘 황제릉의 핵심 전각인 천정궁이 우람한 모습을 드러낸다. 그 안에는 카이딘 왕의 시신이 안치된 계성전이 있고, 그 방은 색색의 자기로 장식되어 있는데, 매우 화려하다. 1802년 재건된

The World Cup has two faces: Cristiano Ronaldo and Sepp Blatter

The World Cup has two faces: Cristiano Ronaldo and Sepp Blatter Ronaldo, the Portuguese sensation, adds a fourth goal in a crucial win. And Blatter, the disgraced former FIFA chief, rekindles dark memories. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/soccer-insider/wp/2018/06/20/portugal-vs-morocco-2018-world-cup/

The Trump administration changed its story on family separation no fewer than 14 times before ending the policy

The Trump administration changed its story on family separation no fewer than 14 times before ending the policy First it was a deterrent. Then it wasn’t. It was a new Justice Department policy. Then it wasn’t. The administration was simply following the law. Then it said separations weren’t required by law. It could not be reversed by executive order. Then it was. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2018/06/20/the-trump-administration-changed-its-story-on-family-separation-no-fewer-than-14-times-before-ending-the-policy/

Trump’s Ace in the Hole in Trade War: A Strong Economy

Trump’s Ace in the Hole in Trade War: A Strong Economy Accelerating growth has given the administration more leverage over trading partners. But economists warn of potential headwinds beyond this year. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/20/business/economy/trump-trade-economy.html?rref=collection%2Fsectioncollection%2Fbusiness 트럼프의 에이스:강력한 경제 성장 가속화는 정부에게 무역 파트너에 대한 더 많은 영향력을 주었다. 그러나 경제학자들은 올해를 넘어서는 잠재적인 역풍을 경고한다.

On Mexico’s Migrant Trail: Confusion and Tough Choices

On Mexico’s Migrant Trail: Confusion and Tough Choices As word of the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” policy reached migrants, some reconsidered their trips but others pressed on amid the possibility of a policy change. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/19/world/americas/mexico-family-separation-immigration.html?rref=collection%2Fsectioncollection%2Fworld

As Kim Ends Beijing Visit, China and North Korea Craft New Messages

As Kim Ends Beijing Visit, China and North Korea Craft New Messages The Chinese state media portrayed Kim Jong-un as a forward-looking leader, and the North Korean propaganda machine struck a newly conciliatory tone. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/20/world/asia/china-north-korea-kim-visit.html?rref=collection%2Fsectioncollection%2Fworld

Hungary Passes ‘Stop Soros’ Law Criminalizing Aid to Migrants

Hungary Passes ‘Stop Soros’ Law Criminalizing Aid to Migrants Prime Minister Viktor Orban campaigned on a nationalist, anti-immigrant platform. Providing help to those who enter the country illegally will now be punishable by up to a year in jail. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/20/world/europe/hungary-stop-soros-law.html?rref=collection%2Fsectioncollection%2Fworld 이주자들에 대한 원조를 범죄화하는 법을 통과시킨 헝가리 빅토르 오르반 총리는 민족주의자, 반이민 주의자 플랫폼을 추진했습니다. 불법으로 입국하는 사람들에게 도움을 주는 것은 이제 최대 1년의 징역형에 처해질 것이다.

One Magic Ronaldo Moment Is All Portugal Needs vs. Morocco

One Magic Ronaldo Moment Is All Portugal Needs vs. Morocco Ronaldo scored his fourth goal of this World Cup in the fourth minute. Morocco threatened repeatedly, but failed to convert and is eliminated from the tournament. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/20/sports/world-cup/portugal-morocco.html?rref=collection%2Fsectioncollection%2Fsports

Trump Retreats After Border Policy Outcry

Trump Retreats After Border Policy Outcry Separated Families Won’t Be Reunited Immediately President Trump caved to political pressure and signed an executive order that ends the separation of families by indefinitely detaining parents and children together at the border. But more than 2,300 children who have been separated from their parents will not be immediately reunited with them, an administration official said. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/20/us/politics/trump-immigration-children-executive-order.html

Korean households that earn little to no annual income will no longer face the burden of paying state health insurance premiums.

Korean households that earn little to no annual income will no longer face the burden of paying state health insurance premiums. About 80 percent of the total regional subscribers will see insurance costs drop by 22,000 won on average. The current average premium is 92,000 won. However, dependents will no longer be exempt from paying state health insurance should they earn more than 34 million won a year. About 20 million people are classified as dependents as of last year, accounting for about 40 percent of the total number of state insurance subscribers. 연간 소득이 적거나 적은 한국 가정들은 더 이상 건강 보험료를 내야 하는 부담에 직면하지 않을 것이다. 전체 지역 가입자의 약 80%는 보험료가 평균 22,000원 인하될 것이다. 현재 평균 보험료는 92,000원이다.  하지만, 부양 가족들은 그들이 일년에 3400만원 이상을 벌게 된다면 더 이상 국가 의료 보험료를 면제 받지 못할 것이다. 작년 현재 약 2천만명의 사람들이 부양 가족으로 분류되어 전체 국가 보험 가입자의 약 40퍼센트를 차지하고 있다.

Going forward, the transport of goods by a third party on behalf of South Korean conglomerate heads will be banned completely.

Going forward, the transport of goods by a third party on behalf of South Korean conglomerate heads will be banned completely. Chaebol heads will no longer be allowed to entrust their belongings to a third party for transport. If anyone is caught going against the new measure, their belongings may be confiscated from the customs compound and be subject to detailed inspection. The new system will enable customs officials to monitor passageways for airport employees which, some say, acted as channels for smuggling. 앞으로 국내 재벌 총수를 대신해 제3자가 상품을 운송하는 것이 전면 금지된다.  재벌 총수들은 더 이상 자신들의 소유물을 제3자에게 양도할 수 없게 된다.  만약 새로운 법안에 반대하다가 적발되면, 그들의 소지품은 세관에서 압수될 수 있고 자세한 조사를 받아야 한다.  새로운 제도는 관세청 직원들이 공항 직원들을 위한 통로를 감시할 수 있게 할 것이다.

Korea's largest cryptocurrency exchange said Wednesday that it had lost 35 billion won worth of cryptocurrencies in a hacking attack.

Korea's largest cryptocurrency exchange said Wednesday that it had lost 35 billion won worth of cryptocurrencies in a hacking attack. The theft highlights concerns that cryptocurrency exchanges are vulnerable to cyber attacks. The exchange said it will compensate investors for the lost cryptocurrencies and that it has taken precautions to prevent further losses. This was the second hacking attack of a cryptocurrency exchange in less than two weeks in South Korea. Meanwhile, the Seoul police have launched a probe into the case. Several officers visited the exchange's headquarters to collect records and data from the company's computers. 한국 최대의 암호 거래소는 해킹으로 인해 350억원 상당의 암호를 잃었다고 수요일 발표했다.   도난 사건은 암호 교환이 사이버 공격에 취약하다는 점을 강조한다.   거래소는 투자자들에게 손실된 암호를 보상할 것이며 추가 손실을 막기 위해 예방 조치를 취했다고 말했다.   국내에서 암호 거래소 해킹이 발생한 지 2주도 안 된 것은 이번이 두번째다.   한편 서울 경찰은 이 사건에 대한 조사에 착수했다.   몇몇 관리들이 회사 컴퓨터에서 기록과 자료를 수집하기 위해 교환소를 방문했다.

2018. Jun. 21. Thu. Global Headlines, Hackers steal Bithumb, withdrawing from the UN HRC, The largest UN space summit

HEADLINE 1 Hackers steal some 32 million U.S. dollars from Korea’s largest cybercurrency exchange Bithumb. 해커들은 국내 최대의 사이버 보안 거래소인 빗썸에서 3200만달러를 훔쳤다. HEADLINE 2 North Korea expected to return in the next few days the remains of hundreds of fallen soldiers including those belonging to U.S. forces. 북한은 며칠 후 미군에 소속된 군인들을 포함한 수백명의 전사자들의 유해를 반환할 것으로 발표했다. HEADLINE 3 Global credit ranking agency Moody’s upgrades Samsung's rating to Aa3 from A1. 국제 신용 평가 기관 무디스는 삼성 전자의 등급을 A1에서 A3로 상향 조정했다. HEADLINE 4 Following its withdrawal from UNESCO, the U.S. announced it is also withdrawing from the UN Human Rights Council. 미국은 유네스코에서 탈퇴한 후 유엔 인권 이사회에서도 탈퇴할 것이라고 발표했다. HEADLINE 5 More than 30 soldiers died after the Taliban attacked two army checkpoints in the eastern province of Badghis. 탈레반이 Badghis 동부 지역의 두 곳의 군 검문소를 공격한 후에 30명 이상의 군인들이 사망했다. HEADLINE 6 The largest UN space summit will take place for two days starting on June 20 at the Vienna headquarters of the UN. 가장 큰

As football fans gear up for this summer's World Cup in Russia, have you ever wondered which team has the most number of highest-paid players?

As football fans gear up for this summer's World Cup in Russia, have you ever wondered which team has the most number of highest-paid players? According to ING Bank, Spain's team is the most valuable at an estimated worth of $1.2 billion. South Korea ranks 23rd out of 32 teams at a value of $96.9 million. However, out of Asian nations, South Korea ranks first. Nonetheless, the rankings are heavily influenced by the salaries of the top-paid athletes. For instance, the world's top three players ? Neymar, Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo ? are worth more than the nine least valuable teams combined. Brazil's Neymar is worth $212 million alone. It makes one wonder, will we get our money's worth?

Trepanation- the act of drilling, cutting, or scrapping a hole in the skull for medical purposes.

Trepanation- the act of drilling, cutting, or scrapping a hole in the skull for medical purposes. Trepanation was practiced for thousands of years from Ancient Greece to Pre-Colombian Peru. Trepanation was preformed after a traumatic head injury to clean up skull fractures and relive pressure on the brain. Trepanned skulls can be found worldwide but a lot have been discovered in Peru due to its dry climate (the dry climate preserved the skulls well). 3 people (1 Neurologist Dr. David Kushner and 2 Bioarcheologists John Verano and Anne Titelbaum) examined 59 skulls from different parts of Peru that dated from 400 BC to 1,500 AD. “The outcomes were amazing.” Survival percentages of the different parts of Peru ranged from 40% all the way up to 91%. According to Civil War Medical Records, 46% to 56% of cranial surgery patients died compared to just 17% to 25% of Inca Era patients. Some of the differences in survival rate may be due to the nature of the patient’s injury before the

The Korea Consumer Agency said on the 11th that it analyzed the selling prices of 26 processed foods through the price information portal.

The Korea Consumer Agency said on the 11th that it analyzed the selling prices of 26 processed foods through the price information portal. 17 items of the 26 (65.4%) items were up, 7 items (26.9%) were down and 2 items (7.7%) remained the same. The top-selling item was Coca-Cola, up 9.0%. Followed by instant rice (8.4%), fish cake (7.1%) and sugar (6.8%). According to the Korea Consumer Agency, "Prices of cereal products such as instant rice, cereal, noodles, flour, and ramen have risen, while dairy products such as ham, sausage and cheese have fallen." According to the distribution industry, Large Scale Marts were the cheapest to purchase processed foods. They were 11.4% lower than a department store. 6.2% lower than a supermarket store(SSM) and 2.2% lower than a traditional market.

The Ministry of Environment announced yesterday (6-11) that it will amend their Environmental Health Law.

The Ministry of Environment announced yesterday (6-11) that it will amend their Environmental Health Law. It will introduce a punitive damages system for environmental diseases. Environmental diseases are recognized as diseases related to environmentally harmful factors. These include respiratory and allergic diseases caused by air pollution, asbestos, water pollutants, and humidifier disinfectants. Businesses will have to pay three times the normal amount of compensation that victims would normally receive. The size of the compensation was determined by considering the harmfulness of environmental harmful factors, the intention of the operator, the level of recognition of the risk of damages, and efforts to reduce damages. The Ministry of Environment said, "This revision is meaningful because punitive damages are extended to health damage caused by environmentally harmful factors."

The baobab is one of the world's largest and longest-living trees and is found naturally in Africa's savanna region.

The baobab is one of the world's largest and longest-living trees and is found naturally in Africa's savanna region. It resembles an upside-down plant, with its branches looking like tangled roots reaching towards the sky. But according to a new study, some of the thousands-year-old trees are dying at an alarming rate. The 2,500-year-old Panke tree in Zimbabwe, saw all its stems collapse between 2010 and 2011. Meanwhile, the most famous baobab, the 1,400-year-old Chapman in Botswana, saw all its six stems topple at once in January 2016. Researchers said they suspect the demise "may be associated at least in part with significant modifications of climate conditions that affect southern Africa in particular."

Before the signing ceremony at the historic N. Korea-U.S. summit in Singapore, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and U.S. President Donald Trump dined on a scrumptious lunch full of fusion flavors.

Before the signing ceremony at the historic N. Korea-U.S. summit in Singapore, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and U.S. President Donald Trump dined on a scrumptious lunch full of fusion flavors. For starters, the two had a prawn cocktail and avocado salad, a Southeast Asian-flavored green mango salad dish with honey lime dressing and fresh octopus, and “oiseon”, Korea's dish of stuffed cucumber. Main courses included beef short rib confit with potato dauphinois and steamed broccoli, sweet and sour crispy pork and fried rice, and “daegu jorim”. They topped off the meal with a choice of chocolate ganache, Haagen-Dazs vanilla ice cream or a cream-filled pastry for dessert.

The number of blood donors in Korea increased by over 60,000 people last year to total over 2.9 million people.

The number of blood donors in Korea increased by over 60,000 people last year to total over 2.9 million people. However, the share of younger donors has dropped sharply. Donors in their teens and twenties still account for 70 percent of blood donations. Over 1 million teenagers had historically been donors every year, but continuing a steady decline, 914,000 teens donated blood last year. By occupation, students account for about half of all donations. Giving by civil servants, the self-employed, religious workers, and housewives all took a downturn last year. Only office workers and soldiers increased in donor numbers. By gender, male blood donors accounted for 72.8 percent of the total, which was 2.7 times the number of female blood donors. Health officials say thanks to the millions of donors, the lives of severely ill patients, with conditions such as cancer and leukemia, are being safely maintained.

Being virtually untouched by humans for 70 years, the demilitarized zone or DMZ has become a haven for wildlife.

Being virtually untouched by humans for 70 years, the demilitarized zone or DMZ has become a haven for wildlife. Based on a new study by the Ministry of Environment, over 6,000 species of wildlife live along the inter-Korean border, including 101 endangered species. The ecological reserve is divided into five regions. The species of wildlife include insects, invertebrates, birds, arachnids, freshwater fish, mammals, amphibians and reptiles. Among the endangered species discovered were musk deer, cranes, otters and eagles. Researchers believe more living beings can be found once access to the DMZ becomes more open.

Turnout for the local elections reached over 60 percent according to the National Election Commission.

Turnout for the local elections reached over 60 percent according to the National Election Commission. It's the first time that the voting rate in a local election surpassed 60 percent since 1995. At least 25.8 million of 42.9 million eligible voters cast ballots. The increased voter turnout was influenced by early voting over the weekend, especially among younger voters. With citizens allowed to vote in any location during early voting, many young people pounced on the chance to make their voices heard. According to results, there were many voters in their 60s in this election, as well

Can World Cup fever reach a fever pitch once again? The Seoul Metropolitan Government certainly hopes so.

Can World Cup fever reach a fever pitch once again? The Seoul Metropolitan Government certainly hopes so. It is calling on all the 'Red Devils' to convene in Seoul Plaza and Gwanghwamun Square to participate in a rally with the Korea Football Association. The two locations hold a sacred history of being the gathering points for die-hard fans of the South Korean football team during the Korea-Japan World Cup. Concerts will also take place along with the cheering activities. The city is also being accommodating by extending subway and bus hours since some of the games end at midnight Korea time.

On the planet of Mars, one NASA rover named 'Opportunity' is riding out one of the most intense dust storms ever observed on the red planet.

On the planet of Mars, one NASA rover named 'Opportunity' is riding out one of the most intense dust storms ever observed on the red planet. In January 2004, NASA sent two exploratory robots for a 90-day scientific mission. One survived for over seven years and the 'Opportunity' is still going after nearly 15 years. It was exploring "Perseverance Valley" on the west rim of "Endeavour crater". But the rover has gone into emergency mode because there is not enough sunlight reaching to reach its solar panels. Over the years, the rovers have sent back more than a hundred thousand high-resolution, full-color images of the planet’s surface. NASA officials are hopeful that the storm, which kicked up enough dust to cover a quarter of Mars's surface, will clear and that communication with the rover will resume.

Highly-caffeinated beverages including coffee will be banned from all K-12 schools starting this September.

Highly-caffeinated beverages including coffee will be banned from all K-12 schools starting this September. The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety will implement an amendment to its laws on children's food safety management. Though beverages clearly marked as caffeinated cannot be sold on school premises, ordinary coffee beverages that are considered adult beverages are sold at coffee vending machines and kiosks within the school for teachers. But even those will disappear with the new rule. Authorities are concerned of the impact to children's health if they consume too much caffeine. Symptoms can include dizziness, chest throbs, sleeping disorders, and nervousness.

Being virtually untouched by humans for 70 years, the demilitarized zone or DMZ has become a haven for wildlife.

Being virtually untouched by humans for 70 years, the demilitarized zone or DMZ has become a haven for wildlife. Based on a new study by the Ministry of Environment, over 6,000 species of wildlife live along the inter-Korean border, including 101 endangered species. The ecological reserve is divided into five regions. The species of wildlife include insects, invertebrates, birds, arachnids, freshwater fish, mammals, amphibians and reptiles. Among the endangered species discovered were musk deer, cranes, otters and eagles. Researchers believe more living beings can be found once access to the DMZ becomes more open.

The baobab is one of the world's largest and longest-living trees and is found naturally in Africa's savanna region.

The baobab is one of the world's largest and longest-living trees and is found naturally in Africa's savanna region. It resembles an upside-down plant, with its branches looking like tangled roots reaching towards the sky. But according to a new study, some of the thousands-year-old trees are dying at an alarming rate. The 2,500-year-old Panke tree in Zimbabwe, saw all its stems collapse between 2010 and 2011. Meanwhile, the most famous baobab, the 1,400-year-old Chapman in Botswana, saw all its six stems topple at once in January 2016. Researchers said they suspect the demise "may be associated at least in part with significant modifications of climate conditions that affect southern Africa in particular."

The Ministry of Environment announced yesterday (6-11) that it will amend their Environmental Health Law.

The Ministry of Environment announced yesterday (6-11) that it will amend their Environmental Health Law. It will introduce a punitive damages system for environmental diseases. Environmental diseases are recognized as diseases related to environmentally harmful factors. These include respiratory and allergic diseases caused by air pollution, asbestos, water pollutants, and humidifier disinfectants. Businesses will have to pay three times the normal amount of compensation that victims would normally receive. The size of the compensation was determined by considering the harmfulness of environmental harmful factors, the intention of the operator, the level of recognition of the risk of damages, and efforts to reduce damages. The Ministry of Environment said, "This revision is meaningful because punitive damages are extended to health damage caused by environmentally harmful factors."

A Norwegian research team has concluded that Seoul is the world's number one polluter in total carbon emissions.

A Norwegian research team has concluded that Seoul is the world's number one polluter in total carbon emissions. The Norwegian University of Science and Technology looked at 13,000 cities in 187 nations and said Seoul generated about 276 million tons of carbon a year. But in terms of carbon footprint per capita, it ranks as the world's 200th. Seoul's 200th per-capita ranking was based on a population of 21.25 million meaning it was a more modest polluter given the sheer population size. The study concluded that the rich contribute more to pollution with top earners reportedly driving 30-45 percent of carbon emissions.

Cristiano Ronaldo of Portugal and Lionel Messi of Argentina are considered to be the best rivals in soccer history.

Cristiano Ronaldo of Portugal and Lionel Messi of Argentina are considered to be the best rivals in soccer history. But how did they perform in the first round of the 2018 FIFA World Cup? After Cristiano Ronaldo's hat-trick for Portugal against Spain on Friday, there was a lot riding on Messi's shoulders. But Messi fluffed a golden opportunity for a penalty kick and the first round went to Ronaldo. And the stats back it up. According to FIFA, Ronaldo played 95 minutes and ran 8,723 meters, but Messi only moved 7,617 meters in 96 minutes.

Job growth in South Korea has reached its lowest levels since the 2009 global financial crisis according to the latest government data.

Job growth in South Korea has reached its lowest levels since the 2009 global financial crisis according to the latest government data. For young people aged between 15 and 29, the unemployment rate stood at a record high of 10.5 percent. Moreover, fewer people in their 30s have been gaining employment for the past 8 months while fewer in their 40s have been getting jobs for 31 months. According to Statistics Korea, the number of employed people in their 40s stood at 6’697,000 people last month, which is some 88,000 less than the same period last year. Local economists say that with overall conditions unlikely to rebound soon, there is a pressing need to take active measures to shore up the job market.

Expectations are high on the possible implementation of the N. Korea-U.S. joint statement this week.

Expectations are high on the possible implementation of the N. Korea-U.S. joint statement this week. Issues contained in the joint statement included the complete denuclearization of North Korea, security guarantees for the regime, the start of a “new relationship” between Pyongyang and Washington, and the establishment of permanent peace on the Korean peninsula. Meanwhile, South Korea and the United States are also expected to announce their decision to suspend large-scale combined military exercises this week amid dialogue with North Korea. This comes a follow-up measure to U.S. President Donald Trump's statement at last week's Singapore summit that he would stop "provocative, inappropriate and expensive" military exercises with South Korea. introduced in April 2013 to encourage more people to exercise their due rights.

Thailand's King Maha Vajiralongkorn has been granted full, personal ownership of royal assets thought to be worth at least $30bn.

Thailand's King Maha Vajiralongkorn has been granted full, personal ownership of royal assets thought to be worth at least $30bn. The Crown Property Bureau, which controlled the royal fortune on behalf of the monarchy, said it transferred ownership of the assets following a change in the law last year. The change means taxes are liable on royal assets for the first time. Maha Vajiralongkorn, 65, became king in December 2016. He succeeded his much-revered father, who was the world's longest-reigning monarch when he died in October 2016.

Global rating agency Moody's Investors Service said Monday that it has maintained its rating on South Korea at 'Aa2,' citing the country's resilience to global shocks, eased geo-political risks and sound public finances.

Global rating agency Moody's Investors Service said Monday that it has maintained its rating on South Korea at 'Aa2,' citing the country's resilience to global shocks, eased geo-political risks and sound public finances. Moody's said South Korea's large and diversified economy will continue to demonstrate resilience to global shocks, while geopolitical risk owing to historical tensions with North Korea have ebbed. The Agency said it would consider upgrading South Korea's rating if there was a material and irreversible reduction in geopolitical risk, and in particular a lowering of the threat of warfare on the Korean peninsula.

Korea's Ministry of SMEs and Startups has rolled out measures to foster long-term businesses that can continue through generations.

Korea's Ministry of SMEs and Startups has rolled out measures to foster long-term businesses that can continue through generations. The plan aims to uncover small companies with growth potential and help them to stay in business for more than 100 years. Their success model will also be shared to cultivate a sustainable business environment that creates a virtuous cycle. The government will seek out companies in the retail, wholesale or restaurant sectors that have been in business for more than 30 years, and have expertise and a certain level of innovation in their products, services and marketing strategies.

It is common knowledge that too little sleep is bad for you.

It is common knowledge that too little sleep is bad for you. But now studies show that too much sleep can also have detrimental effects on health. A new study by the Seoul National College of Medicine shows that fewer than 6 hours and more than 10 hours of sleep per day are associated with metabolic syndrome, which is a cluster of conditions — increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist, and abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels. Taken together, it increases your risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes. Fortunately, it doesn't appear that the majority of people can sleep over 10 hours. In the study, 1.5% of men and 1.7% of women got more than 10 hours of shut-eye per night. 잠을 너무 적게 자는 것이 당신에게 해롭다는 것은 상식이다. 하지만 현재의 연구는 과도한 수면이 건강에 해로운 영향을 미칠 수 있다는 것을 보여 주고 있다. 서울 대학교 의학과의 새로운 연구는 하루에 6시간 이하의 수면 시간과 10시간 이상의 수면 시간이 혈압, 고 혈당, 그리고 비정상적인 체지방이 증가하는 상태인 대사 증후군과 관련이 있다는 것을 보여요. 이것을 종합하면, 심장병, 뇌졸중, 당뇨병의 위험을 증가시킨다. 다행히도, 대다수의 사람들이 1

Under the Trump administration’s cruel and extreme “zero tolerance” immigration policy, many families seeking asylum in the U.S. are being ripped apart at the border.

Under the Trump administration’s cruel and extreme “zero tolerance” immigration policy, many families seeking asylum in the U.S. are being ripped apart at the border. Thousands of parents have been separated from their children. In recent weeks, reports have emerged about the horrific conditions. Children are reportedly detained in 'prison-like' facilities where kids without their parents are caged in and forced to sleep on the floor. Critics are accusing authorities of "child abuse" and putting children at risk of running away, harming themselves, or committing suicide.

South Korea's total assets rose 5.7 percent last year from a year earlier to 13,817.5 trillion won thanks to rising real estate prices.

South Korea's total assets rose 5.7 percent last year from a year earlier to 13,817.5 trillion won thanks to rising real estate prices. The tally of assets is eight times higher than Korea's GDP of 1,730.4 trillion for 2017. The increase came mostly from a rise in non-financial assets as their prices rose 3.9 percent in 2017. Land assets accounted for 54.9 percent of the overall non-financial assets. Households and non-profit organizations held the largest share of national assets with their combined wealth coming to 9,750 trillion won last year, which is up 650.2 trillion won from a year earlier.

2018. Jun. 20. Wed. Global Headlines: U.S.-China trade war, Health authorities, the EU (Withdrawal) Law

HEADLINE 1 North Korean leader Kim Jong-un visited Beijing again on Tuesday and held summit talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping. HEADLINE 2 Asian markets plunge on U.S.-China trade war fears. HEADLINE 3 1,500-ton Masan naval frigate suffers ammunition blast. HEADLINE 4 Health authorities are conducting an epidemiological investigation amid a case of tuberculosis reported at a popular private educational institute in Seoul’s Gangnam district. HEADLINE 5 Some 700 hundred suspected fire ants are spotted at Pyeongtaek Port. HEADLINE 6 The UK House of Lords passed an amendment to the EU (Withdrawal) Law.

폴킴 - 모든 날, 모든 순간 (Every day, Every Moment) `키스 먼저 할까요?` OST Part 3

폴킴 - 모든 날, 모든 순간 (Every day, Every Moment) `키스 먼저 할까요?` OST Part 3 Title : 모든 날, 모든 순간 (Every day, Every Moment) Artist : 폴킴 Release Date : 2018-03-20 Genre : OST Label : S.M.Entertainment Language : Korean

스타쉽 프로듀스 48 안유진! 렌즈 CF 모델에서 이제 가수로~ 아주 예쁜 16살이에요

우연히 본 프로듀스 48에서 안유진이 나왔다. 렌즈 CF로 나올 때 너무 예쁘다 해서 관심 있게 찾아봤었는데...2017년 9월이었다. 이제는 가수 데뷔를 앞두고 있다. 프로듀스 48에서 나온 모습이다.  [48스페셜] 도전! 아.이.컨.택ㅣ안유진(스타쉽) 귀엽다... 이미지 캡쳐!!!  안유진의 움짤도.. 안유진이 프로듀스 48 을 준비하면서 만든 영상들이다. 볼 수록 매력적이다. 그래서 영상도 다 넣었다. ㅎ [48스페셜] 히든박스 미션ㅣ장원영(스타쉽) vs 안유진(스타쉽) [48스페셜] 마이크, 내꺼야!ㅣ최예나(위에화)+안유진(스타쉽) - ♬사랑의 배터리 [1회] 소유쌤이 보고있다ㅣ스타쉽<안유진, 조가현, 장원영> 그냥 즐겁게 보기 귀여운 안유진의 움짤도 넣는다. 귀엽다... 안녕하세요 국민프로듀서님~~~ 정말 안녕해야할 것 같은 멘트.. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 앞으로도 지켜봐야겠다.  너무 너무 예쁜 광고를 봤다. 예뻐서 광고 모델이 누군지 찾아본 광고다. 렌즈 아큐브 비타의 모델 안유진이다. 15살의 스타쉽 엔터테인먼트의 연습생이라고 한다. 예뻐서 정보 찾다가 알게된 사실이다. 그래서 함께 공유한다. 엄청 어린데 어른스러운 분위기~ 애기 같은 표정도 있다.  광고를 보면 춤출 때 불편한 안경, 그리고 안경 대신 렌즈를 끼고 나서 변신해 가는 대학생의 모습을 제대로 그렸다. 안경의 불편함을 렌즈가 해결해준다는 이야기.